
Showing posts from March, 2022

The importance of press freedom, freedom of information and free speech

  Freedom of the press matters because it allows the truth to be uncovered and calls attention to important issues. However, this freedom is threatened all over the world as governments try to control the view of the public and media. Journalists worldwide have been silenced, imprisoned and killed while working to fulfil their role. An evident example of this is the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in 2019 where a Saud Arabian journalist is killed and dismembered for working closely to the Saud Arabian royal family and having an opposing political view. His death has received recognition all over the world and has allowed people to speak out about the topic of press freedom. Without the freedom of information and speech, there will be no democracy and society can be manipulated or affected by big political sways. The general press needs to have a voice for their opinions and together as a voice against the government.  

Weekly issue #3

  Issue #1: Why Russia's war on Ukraine could cause instant noodle prices to rise around the world- ABC news   This issue talks about the rise of instant noodle prices as a result of the Russia Ukraine war. Which will affect noodle consumers all around the world and especially Indonesians who consume 15% of the world’s instant noodles. Russia and Ukraine produce a third of world’s wheat exports, therefore, the war will cause major disruptions in the production process since farmers will be forced to leave the field to fight. This is a relevant issue in the media since it indicates the global impact of the war through increased prices of fuel, oil, grain crops,…   I have discovered this issue through ABC news- an Australian online news source that attracts mostly young adults to middle aged audiences.   Instant noodle being processed in Indonesia  ...

Infowars articles analysis

  Issue #1: Florida Senate Approves Bill Banning Critical Race Theory, Gender Identity Classes- Infowars   This issue is about the Individual Freedom bill which prohibits lessons on gender identity and   racial topics  in cases where a person is deliberately made “uncomfortable” over historic actions committed  by their race, gender, or nationality. It is a relevant topic in the media because it limits schools and workplaces from giving education about gender identities and racism which are important issues in our society.                           Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida announcing the “Stop WOKE Act”             I have discovered this issue through Infowars- a far-right American conspiracy and fake-news website. The issue is pr...

Peaceful Vegan Protest Attacked

 On the 6th of March, a group of animal rights activists marching around Melbourne CBD were attacked by angry civilians. Three high school students had been reported with minor injuries while five male activists were hospitalised due to the attack. Many protestors are now in fear of raising their voices because of hostility against stereotyped vegans and vegetarians.  "I was marching with the activist group when a man in his late-twenties ran towards me with a baseball bat," a victim revealed. "Our protest was peaceful, our aim was to raise awareness on animal brutality and methane produced by meat production."  An activist who witnessed the attack added, "I think it is really unfortunate that vegans are often regarded as forceful and judgemental towards meat eaters even when we're just peacefully protesting and playing our part to help the planet."

Painting Your Career in Art

Ever wanted to become an artist? An animator? A fashion designer? A graphic designer? A photographer? There are hundreds of career paths that are paved from Art and a range of subjects at Blackburn High School to guide you to these creative futures.  Art is a subject that is taught throughout all year levels at BHS; from year 9-12, students are introduced to a range of different art electives/subjects such as photography, ceramics, visual communication, textiles,..ect. These subjects encourage self-expression and creativity, as well as help students build confidence through their creations. To find out more about this topic, we interviewed Ms. Angus and a few year 10 Ceramics students to ask about their opinions.  Ms. Angus who specialises in textile revealed that she has industrial experiences working with fashion designers, theatre companies and opera companies. She shared that she has always wanted to become an art teacher and if she had gone to a different path, that pathw...

Weekly issue #2

  Article 1: The antisemitism animating Putin’s claim to ‘denazify’ Ukraine -The Guardian Article 2: Kiev regime’s leaders to be inevitably punished - TASS   Since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, conflicts between Russia and Ukraine have been ongoing for the past 8 years. However, the tension escalated when Russia launches a full-scale military invasion into Ukraine’s North, East and South on the 24th of February 2022. Russian President, Vladimir Putin announced this news on television, declaring it as a “special military operation” and started what could be the largest conflict in Europe since the Second World War. Ukrainian civilians flee as bombs strike the city   I’ve come across this issue through social media and television and have found 2 articles regarding this topic. One of which is from an Australian news source, The...