The importance of press freedom, freedom of information and free speech


Freedom of the press matters because it allows the truth to be uncovered and calls attention to important issues. However, this freedom is threatened all over the world as governments try to control the view of the public and media. Journalists worldwide have been silenced, imprisoned and killed while working to fulfil their role. An evident example of this is the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in 2019 where a Saud Arabian journalist is killed and dismembered for working closely to the Saud Arabian royal family and having an opposing political view.

His death has received recognition all over the world and has allowed people to speak out about the topic of press freedom. Without the freedom of information and speech, there will be no democracy and society can be manipulated or affected by big political sways. The general press needs to have a voice for their opinions and together as a voice against the government.

