Weekly issue #1
Issue: Kim Kardashian Black-fishing
Article #1: Kim Kardashian’s latest vouge cover isn’t
winning her new fans- The Sydney Morning Herald
Article #2: Kim Kardashian Was Accused Of Blackfishing And Copying Looks
From Famous Black Women For Her Vouge Cover Shoot, Naomi Campbell “Liked” A
Post Calling Her Out- BuzzFeed News https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/naomi-campbell-kim-kardashian-vogue-shoot
Kim Kardashian- a well-known social
media influencer and entrepreneur was accused of black-fishing in her latest
vogue cover shoot. The photos have drawn accusations of culture appropriation when
Kardashian’s skin appeared very dark, similar to that of black women; and many
of her looks showed a strong resemblance to famous figures like Naomi Campbell,
Beyonce and Nina Simone. The controversy first sparked when a social media account
posted comparisons between Kardasian’s Vouge shoot and the above figures,
drawing over 200,000 likes.
I came across this issue through
online articles, one from The Sydney Morning Herald and another from BuzzFeed
News. The Sydney Morning Herald is a daily Australian news source while
BuzzFeed News is an American news and entertainment company with a focus on
digital media. Both articles from the two sources conveyed a negative attitude
against Kim Kardashian. While The Sydney Morning Herald balanced things out by
including a range of opinions from the public’s point of view to Kardashian
herself, to Olivia Suleimon- an African Australian model and actress; BuzzFeed
News only included quotes from Campbell and Kardashian’s previous interviews that
were related to the issue and seemed to focus the attention on the Instagram comparison
post rather than the topic of cultural appropriation itself.
The Sydney Morning Herald shared a lot
of background information about this matter, as such: Kardashian’s pass
controversies with black-fishing, why she was on the cover of Vouge, and the
importance of this matter due to it being Black History month in America. The
article starts to show negative attitudes when comparing the images and stating
that Kardashian’s photos are “fashion crimes”. To explore more about the topic
of cultural appropriation, the article included Olivia Suleimon’s opinion that
Kardashian makes money from looks that black women were ridiculed and defiled
for”. She explained how black women have been smudged out of fashion magazines
and pop culture for decades and that they are treated as “mood boards” which
makes people “complicit in this racism”.
Naomi Campbell’s Vouge shoot next to Kim Kardashian’s vouge
Contrarily, the article from BuzzFeed
News is more fixated with the news that Naomi Campbell liked the viral post
which compared Kim Kardashian’s photos to her own and other black female
influencers. When comparing the images, BuzzFeed also commented that her Vouge
shoot was in “remarkably similar poses and styles” as famous black women; and
that “Naomi herself approved of the post- because she gave it a like”.
A screenshot from Instagram proving that
Naomi Campbell has liked the post
My opinion definitely agrees with both
articles from The Sydney Morning Herald and BuzzFeed News. I think that an
extremely influential person like Kim Kardashian should be conscious of what
she is putting out in public and acknowledge that appropriating black culture
through make-up and styling during Black History month is undoubtedly
inappropriate. It had been a difficult journey for black models and actresses
to have those significant moments, so for Kardashian to replicate those
significant looks on the cover of Vouge is a mistake from both Vouge and Kim
Kardashian herself.
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